- To make connections and talk about events and themes in the text that are similar to my life.
- To make predictions, using all the information on the page and think deeply about the meaning that might not be stated.
- To ask higher level questions, such as "why" and "how". These questions go beyond text events and lead to a deeper understanding. writing
- To use appropriate language features for the different genres.
- To add interest and engage the audience by using similes, sets of 3 adjectives and emotive words.
- To use some iSPACE sentence starters for effect and impact. Number/algebra
- Find fractions of whole numbers eg: 3/4 of 24 = ? 3/4 of what is 21?.
- Use Grid method to solve multiplication problems like TU x U, HTU x U and TU X TU.
- Use Chunking method to solve division problems.
- Statistics
- To be able to analyse data using median, mode and range.
- To sort, display compare and analyse data using stem and leaf graphs, dot plots and pie graphs.
- geometry and measurement
- Measure and convert accurately between millimetres, centimetres and metres.
- Measure net and gross mass.
- Measure the lengths, areas, volumes or capacities, weights, and temperatures of objects and the duration of events, reading scales to the nearest whole number and applying addition, subtraction, and simple multiplication to standard units.
- Predict and communicate the results of translations, reflections, and rotations on plane shapes.