
Thursday, 28 November 2019

The sheep pig chapter 7 and 8

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a Year six here at Yaldhurst Model School today I will be showing you my chapter 7 and 8 of the sheep pig. If you have not seen the first sheep pig blog I did than read that one first to see if you like it and then come back to this blog if you have already read it that welcome this is chapter 7 and 8. let's get this started I am in a bit of a rush as I have to do a lot of things today and yeah here are some photo of my work.

Pet day ponies

Hi bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six at Yaldhurst model school today I will be telling you about part two of Pet Day. Here it is so on pet day I bought my jumping pony to pet day unfortunate my pony was silly and naughty but it still was fun here are some photos of her and my best friend Bridget's pony. But when I was riding krissy around she was trying to trot canter and gallop and at that point I was like let canter because she was pulling me over her head when my mum was getting her off the float she nearly pulled my mums arm off that would have been not good at all if you have feedback than I am happy to reply and read your geniris comment thanks bye.

               bridget's pony is grey my pony is chestnut aka brown 

cool right.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Shoot the movie

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee I am a year six at Yaldhurst Model School.  Today I will being showing you my if my family was a movie in it explains what troubles and errors we have as a family 

first trobble my brother always says that I am young. If I was in a movie I would be very famous and that would be really cool


Home learning.

Hello, bloggers, my name is Ashlee and I am a year six at Yaldhurst Model School. Today I am telling and showing you guys about my school uniform that I made here it is this is my school uniform I made. 

A&P show.

What is happening, where are we, what are we doing time will tell and reading my blog post. Here we go in our groups in the car to a magical land called th A&P show this is when the fun begins. My heart is pounding to get into this place watch the horse riding and all the cute little animals not to mention all of the mashiary and carnival rides (that we were not allowed on) 

Friday, 22 November 2019

Pet Day.

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and today I will be            telling you about Pet Day. But this is about my sand saucer so here we go. first of all I added some sand to a plastic takeaway dish. Then I put this elf outfit and and a egg in the hat to make a face. After that I drew a face to let the elf have a personality. Then I added some flowers to give it it a finishing touch to the dead elf in the sand saucer what do you think of it how dog you like it and what do you and your friends think I can do better. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six here at Yaldhurst Model School. today I am going to be telling you about me and my school going for a well it's in the title 


Here is were they excitement starts.

We get on the bus at nine in the morning 

we whine as we walk up the little grey steps.

we argue over seats saying mine mine mine.

me and my friends sitting on the bus the adrenaline pumping.

were ready and steady go.

all the instruments blast in my ears.

killing me inside and loving the instruments at the same time.

do you know where we are? 


Friday, 8 November 2019

My long write

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six in rimu at Yaldhurst Model School. Today I will be telling you about my spy fox that I did yesterday because some people were at choir so the teachers were not here so some reliever teachers came so here is my long write from yesterday.

Back here on breaking news the terrifying shark had planned to take down the world but that plan is crushed by the one and only SPY FOX  has been ready for a romantic date but not for long. Shark has plans to kill the world but spy fox is going to save us, all are you ready? Probably not but we still do not have a lot of information about him all we know it that mr shark is big n bad are you ready I repeat are you ready for battle!?I have more news I repeat more news as we have seen the movie this is reality now he has been into custy and is almost into jail but I repeat this is still a dangerous world we still be careful ok nevermind of course he is not cort he is the world's best super villain what do you expect we are still in red zone err err err what was that right we are in lock down right now lock your doors and get you mashine yun out or any gun and hide he can smell the smell of blood and then can hunt us all down.I am back the coast is clear and thanks to spy fox the hero terrifying mr shark has been killed and his stupid little minions too you are welcome for the life of your little puppy dog ha ha ha shenanigans.bye for now.


Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Street art.

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six here at Yaldhurst Model School. 

Today I will be telling you about my street art that I finished last week this was done over a two or three months this is really cool I hope you really like it bye. 

The process of this was watching all the videos and answering questions then making the title page and more. 

We learned about lots of street artists that have made really cool designs this helped us find more information and find out more stuff about the artist. 

My favorite parts was when we painted these pictures with these people on them and when I finished all of it.

Friday, 1 November 2019

my poem

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six from Yaldhurst Model School. Today I will be showing you my poem for home learning I really like this poem and I hope you do to.

Grid method and division by chunking.

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six at Yaldhurst model school. I am here today to em form you about division by chunking and grid method here it is. 

first we were asked if there were experts for this stuff I said yes and that I was. Then we were asked to make a group of three or four I chose  three I chose briar and bridget which are my best friends and then we got to work This is how I worked it out I used grid method here is a video of grid method

bye for now here is a question you must answer useing grid methord 3x98=

E-asttle writing.

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six at Yaldhurst Model School. Today I will be showing you my          e-asttle writing. For the last two weeks we have been marking pieces of writing and then scoring them. And here is my one.  

The market 

On a warm summer's Saturday the market sprung so me and my family decided to see what they had. It didn't take me long to find what I wanted I want a crystal light colorful and gorgas.

Then out of nowhere I find a beautiful crystal but it is worth 500 dollars that's a little too hefty. The crystal feels smooth like an eal and shines like a diamond. Oh how beautiful it is I wish I could buy it but maybe not.

The black crystals are so amazing and shine like they were dipped in polish this is so amazing. The crystals like playing hide and seek when you are trying to find them. The food had the best delightful smell ever.

Then out of nowhere one of the stalls blow up so we have to get out of there so quickly it turns out there was a bomb dropped from a plane this scared me and my family so bad and now we have never gone to a market since this was a tragedy for me and yeah.

But now I live in a huge mansion and own gem shop and I love it I make millions every year and I now have 5 ponies for belgium. So yeah I am pretty happy and wealthy so yeah this was my tragedy and now I am like the money maker villain dipireful and exited my world has another type of hard money hard.

But I don’t live with millions of money now I give my crystales away for free.

We learned how the teachers mark our e-asttle writing work the hard part for me was structure and language but my favourite was sentence structure.