
Friday, 28 June 2019

Mrs Smudge Non Chronological Report.

Hello bloggers, my name is Ashlee and yesterday I finished my non chron report which is about a Dragon named Mrs Smudge, So here is my non chron report.

The Smudge dragon 

The Smudge dragons are part of the dragon life in their environment the heat of this place is impeccable. It will raise up to 18 degrees and in 3 minutes it can change to 30 degrees that can possibly kill a dragon but not the Smudge or Smig dragons. 

Appearance Smudge dragon has rainbow skin that is uv raise profe and can not get sunburnt easily. It has to be half dead before it can burn so the dragon has never had sunburn before. The smudge dragon has very strong armor on its back  it is also covered with spikes. Which can help to defend the dragon from other predators and will stop the skin from being weakened which could end out in sun burn. It’s long tail can be used to defend itself from other dragons. The rainbow wigs that it has is used to sore through the sky. Her feet are black because they are made of red hot magma. He can creep around really slowly and quietly.

Predators| the first predator is mr racoon this may be small but he is a killing machine sometimes because of there raisor sharp teeth means that they can kill them self. The second one is called mrs levale is a shelf it is flat but be warned this is not just a shelf it is a human eater it’s very big and will squish you. in second. Doctor kill you 
Mr bobby dandruff.
Really strong armor 
Spikes on armor
Heavy tail to crush things.
There hiding 
Have killed lots of dragons but the others will just bite.

Habitat This island has deadly hot sunny weather however when I said that there were two parts of the body that are protected the armor and there skin. There is rain 3 times a week however there is very little. There has never been snow on this island. However there is mostly red hot sunny days. All of the plants just need sun and they are very hot.

Diet                                                he eats sunny beetles which have a lot of fiber and lots of texture. The thin that the smudge dragons drinks is coconut milk which it rich and healthy for mrs smudge. The next thing she drinks is manager beetles which are full of marinated sauce which has lot of rufige and also likes his milk with porridge. And that is what she eats her husband eats the same.

This dragon is not friendly and you can not tame it but yeah if you pat it could die. This dragon is very protective and it will not let you touch firefly, and she has a killing record over all there is one word to describe it is monstrosity truly monstrosity.

Here is photo of my dragon bye.

A non chronological report is a non fiction report which is not written in time order.
Can you please give me a bit of feedback for my next blog post
Hope you enjoyed my blog post bye for now.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Book report.

Hello, bloggers, my name is Ashlee and I am a year six at Yaldhurst model school. This is my blog for week 9 home learning today I will be doing a book report on the book bad guys 8. the internal league of heroes wants you! but what are they looking for exactly gigantic muscles? super speed? mind powers? shapeshifting? awesomeness. But are they looking for a nude wolf An unconscious pirana? a muffin stealing snake And a toaster with a fin and really sharp teeth. Duh, why would you even ask that?

Reading Work.

Hello blogers my name is Ashlee and I am a year 6 at yaldhurst model school. Today I have been working on my reading work and have been Reading out of a school Jornal. Here is what I have been Reading boy on bike, bok choy and grandparents day, Here are some photos of my work.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Mrs Smuge and Mr Smig

Hello my name is Ashlee on 19/6/19 our class had been making their own dragons. My dragon smuge is a rainbow dragon one this dragon there is a symbol can you see it?

 There are rainbow wings on this dragon and a rainbow body this dragon has black armor and black feet the tail is rainbow as well.

The process of the learning is that we had to find island. Fill out a sheet then choose an island then create and labile our dragons. here is a photo of Mrs Smuge.

There are three main features
1. The rainbow skin can absorb so that she can drink 
2. Her  armor will protect her from bullets
3. There is a symbol were the armor can hide things. 
Do you believe in dragons?

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Home learning blog week 8

Hello, bloggers, my name is Ashlee I am a year six at yaldhurst model school this is my home leaning blog for week 8. If you could be an adult for a day what would you do?
I would go to the shops and buy a new phone then I would pay off all the dete and move to a new house and buy new a pony.
My mum would be a kid because she could make the parents do everything for me and get cake and not go to work and she would also no
Image result for parents with kidsRelated imagehave had any  responsibilityImage result for parents with kids

Wig Wednesday

Today is wig Wednesday which means that we have to wear a wig and give gold coin donation. this is to support canister and give money to the families that need treatments. we raised money for all the different types of canister here are some photos of me in my wig. we raised 136 dollars that is a lot of money.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

book report

Hi I am a year six student at yaldhurst model school I am making a book report for my home learning blog. This book is called family friends and furry creatures it is a tom gates book. He worked really hard on his family tree he made up names for like the wrinklies for his grandparents. He was sent home to do his family tree and found out lots of facts. his mum and dad got together over a piece of cake. hope you enjoyed my book report.

Sayings that will make your day.

Play hard work hard your future depends on it.

Friends are like diamonds hard to find but lucky to have.

Some roads have ups and downs but they all have a ending.

An adventure will keep on going.

Fear will take you through dark times but there is always and ending that will light up the way.
thank you for reading my sayings that I made. 

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Stars in the sky

Hello my name is Ashlee I am a year six from yaldhurst model school the year 5 and six's we drew a pattern that we liked. And used black paint then we let it dry then we put some colored paint onto the piece of paper. once we had finished the black made it really pop and this is what it looks like bye have a really good day