
Wednesday, 25 March 2020

My Run

Hi bloggers are you good? i'm great! Thanks for asking however you maybe thinking Ashlee what have you been doing today well at around lunchtime. With my brother Louis and my sister Olive it was really fun and we got lots of exercise. Which was great I almost bet my brother but for my sister she didn't do as well...

but I gave her a hussle! She completed the race it was super fun you could almost call it superstitions. So yeah that about ras it up what do you think have you fun a face like this before?

bye guys.

Monday, 23 March 2020

All about me blog post

Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 at Yaldhurst Model School how are you today? because I am great. Do you want to know want to know more about me? well I hope you do! here we go do do do do do!  

I am a very funny person as you can see


  1. Eggs or cereal? eggs
  2. Milk or chocolate milk? chocolate
  3. Coke or Pepsi? coke
  4. Juice or water? juice
  5. White or wholemeal? wholemeal
  6. Cake or donuts? cake
  7. Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
  8. Corn or peas? corn
  9. Green beans or broccoli? broccoli
  10. Pancakes or waffles? both
  11. Action movies or dramas? action movies
  12. Comedy or scary movies? comedy
  13. Television or book? book
  14. Paper book or Ebook? paper
  15. TVNZ or TV3? TVNZ
  16. Cards or board games? board games
  17. Dressing up or casual clothes? casual clothes
  18. Sneakers or jandals? jandals
  19. Cars or trucks? cars
  20. Soccer or hockey? hockey
  21. Rugby or Netball? netball
  22. Hunting or fishing? hunting
  23. Skiing or surfing? both
  24. Xbox or PS? zbox
  25. Multiplayer or single player? multiplayer
  26. Walking or jogging? jogging
  27. Spring or Autumn? spring
  28. Winter or Summer? summer
  29. Shower or bath? shower
  30. Dog or cat? dog
  31. Night owl or early riser? early riser
  32. Long or short hair? short
  33. Shy or outgoing? outgoing
  34. Draw or read? draw
  35. When hanging toilet paper, over or under? both

                                                                      1. Age you first started at Yaldhurst Model School -  10
                                                                      2. Middle name - marie
                                                                      3. Favourite colour -  blue
                                                                      4. Favourite song -  say so
                                                                      5. Number of siblings -  2
                                                                      6. Favourite sport -  horse riding
                                                                      7. Best birthday party you have had -  adrenalin forest
                                                                      8. Best birthday party you have been to -  jockey race
                                                                      9. Favourite animal -  horse
                                                                      10. Favourite food -  pikelets
                                                                      11. Age you first flew in a plane -  0
                                                                      12. Been on a boat? yes
                                                                      13. Been on a train? yes
                                                                      14. Can speak another language? no.

                                                                                                here is my avatar

                                                                                                can you relate to anything in this blog post bloggers?

                                                                                                bye bloggers, have a good day


                                                                                                Tuesday, 17 March 2020

                                                                                                WASH YOUR HANDS WITH A SONG ------------------------------->

                                                                                                Hey you you yeah you over here, Hi my name is Ashlee what's your name? Thats a great, Name I'm from Yaldhurst Model School what school are you from? Well today I am going to be telling you about my tech for my school. tech is where we go to Lincoln Primary School and do lots of workshops it is really fun!

                                                                                                We found this app where you write in your favorite song. And it makes a poster for washing your hands with the lyrics of the song. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the app but if you search for it will tell you. Here is a photo of it and here is a link.

                                                                                                               Have you ever had the flu?

                                                                                                Bye Bloggers.

                                                                                                Wednesday, 11 March 2020

                                                                                                Live Life Long

                                                                                                Hello bloggers it's the best blogger in town! The one and only from Yaldhurst Model School, Ashlee. Today I will be showing you my first favorite page of" my this is us I am me" writing workbook here we go! do do do do do do do here we go this is alllllllllllllllllll about quotes and not any quotes! they are happy they are fun they are number 1!!!!!!! Live Life Long. here they are 

                                                                                                I hope you enjoyed that do you have any other quotes? bye guys.

                                                                                                Friday, 6 March 2020

                                                                                                Anything but typical recap.

                                                                                                Hello novel people my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 student here at Yaldhurst Model School. How are you today? well I am great! today I will be showing you my recent anything but Typical work book. Here we go whoo welcome were ready to go let's get this show on the road shall we? well I think we should here is the workbook of amazement...

                                                                                                What do think of my recent workbook? do you like it? bye fellow bloggers.

                                                                                                Tuesday, 3 March 2020

                                                                                                Heartland loyalty

                                                                                                Image result for book cover of heartland

                                                                                                Hi bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 at Yaldhurst Model School. How is your day? Mine is ok, anyway have you heard of the movie on netflix called Heartland? Well I have. It is my favorite show; it is about horses and living in the countryside. Do you like the sound of that? Well, I love it. 

                                                                                                I think this is and will be the best book to man because it has a nice book cover it has easy words. To read and they use spectacular descriptive words 

                                                                                                Here is one line of what Amy says in the book. "You are so rude why would you say I am not a good rider! you don't have to be first across the finish line to be a great rider great riders come with love  for there horses and trust there horses have in them."

                                                                                                This is the Heartland book cover like. Do you like the book cover? Leave me a comment... bye guys.