
Monday, 16 December 2019


                                      Hello bloggers

my name is Ashlee and I am a year six here at Yaldhurst Model School. Today blog post is all about when the year 6 7's &8's went to MEGA AIR it was so much fun. But then miss taylor jumped into the Air bag and that was really funny because she could not get out of it which is always funny ha ha ha here are some photos



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ashlee,

    I am a year 6 from lochiel school.
    I love your post. Mega air sound super fun. It sounds like it was very fun watching Mrs Taylor jump into the air bags and get stuck. Maybe next time you could add a bit more description about why you were there and what you did not like. That would be a good job for when we are in lockdown.

    Keep up with your great blogging and keep safe,


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