Hi bloggers it's your again Ashlee from Yaldhurst Model school a year 7 senior at this great school anyway today's blog is all about can you guess from the title yes Pet day do you have a pet? I do I have a horse bunnies a cat and birds how about you? anyway are you ready.
Friday, 27 November 2020
Pet Day
The Mystery of the missing Teacher.
Hello Bloggers today's blog is all about the missing Teacher don't worry this story is pretend bu let's get started shall we. A boring day of flow trying to learn how to roe she slipped on a rock and tipped onto her toe splash. This will make more sense when we get into the story
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Baby sitters club.
The truth about stacy hi bloggers I'm Ashlee and today I am going to be blogging about, the book that I have been reading let's go. Here is a little bit of text from the back of the book, Stacy does not like to tell people that she has diabetes. Here friends from baby siting are supportive, but she has lost other friends because of it. Stacy then realises that the best thing to do is be honest and have courage.
Here is a link to have a look
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Spelling rules 3
Hi bloggers it's Ashlee and today's blog is for Flow in this blog I will be showing and talking about 1 of the things that is a must do for flow Let's get started. So what we are doing is spelling rule's 3 So on our site for my school and class we have a class site. This is where we know what we have to do for the day and one of the tasks for the folder flow is spelling we have a dock with the questions we write the answer in our book and then make it like this sorry my camera is not working I will try again in a few days.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Fake websites
The following website link and story is fake.
Hi it’s Ashlee and today I am showing you the first sight of an alien let’s go Only in nz a coffee date with an alien came to town not only was this unfair but it was terrifying only people screamed.
As the alien ordered fresh brains for tea and only the waitress was calm. People flooded out of the cafe like a waterfall gushing out of the doors and pushing other pedestrians on the roads where buses and cars were diving.
At that moment the alien took a bite of the watriss who was still standing at the table. She screeched, she screamed, she squabled and that’s all I remember.
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
National young leaders day hi I'm Ashlee and I am here to talk about NYLD AKA National young leaders day it was great we arrived at school at 8.30 am Jo got the pleasure of taking me Briar and Bridget AKA the loud 2 people in the class with AKA the partner in crime Bridget any way my favorite part was the big ball drop/ fly the photos will not work but I update this later on when the photos work
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Athletics Practice.
Hi bloggers it's me Ashlee here again to write about Athletics Practice. We have Athletics Practice every day except Tuesday. My fav thing is high jump so this blog is about high jump let's get started shall we?
As I feel the briss thin air pass my face while I am running like a leopard I am looking at the mat and poll coming closer closer and closer. I am ready to take my leap I lift my legs I'm flying right over the poll I land it that was a meter and 2 cm wow no one will beat her now. I hop of the mat striding and all of a sudden I hear a round of applause and the judge talking over the mic now that's clean run for Ashlee. The next thing I hear is my contestant backing out that's it i'm done.
Thx for reading my blog bye.
Monday, 21 September 2020
episode 3 castle hill
After the bus ride it is castle hill we had lunch and even had a small walk and found lots of snow and a snowman here are some photos of our trip on castle hill I learn't that snow can be very very very slippery
Episode 2 The bus ride
Hi bloggers i'm a year 7 student at Yaldhurst Model School as you know me and my fellow classmates went to camp to Arthurs pass for camp we took a two hour bus ride and let me tell you it was loud more that 85 decibels. There were games of uno go fish hand shakes people feeling sick and lots lots more. It was 2 hours to get there here are some photos. This gave me a taught me what to do if your seat belt does not work because delilah's belt stopped working and locked up
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Student sumit
Session 3. Was all about comix and it was so cool I learn't how people make such cool comix and how they are made and how much effort you have to put into them
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Brian's broken
That's right brian is broken and you need to help rescue him are you up for a challenge.
Hi i'm Ashlee a student here at Yaldhurst Model School did you know that over 600,000 people go missing every year. And only around 400,000 people are actually found that means that 200,000 people have eather lost their life or are in our world in forests waters and mountains isn't that crazy.
That is why me and my fellow classmates were taught about search and rescue at Arthurs pass outdoor education camp let's go over camp first. We took a 2 hour bus ride in a luxury bus and then arrived at a small cabin which was were we were staying for 3 days near the door there was a do not feed kea sign, Let's get started. We found mint rappers jackets backpacks shoes torch drink bottle and a few other things. Then we wend to the forest and found brian he was a diabetic and was not in good shape at all, we attempted to make a stretcher that would carry his weight. We failed once but tried harder and we did it we slowly set the stretcher close to him a gently placed him on.
Now was the hard part there was rocks, small streams, abandoned schools and lots of sticks and tree roots it was a challenge but we got there in the end we placed him on the ground and inspected him he seemed ok to said good bye and he was off
sorry I have no photos yet but I will post some thx for listening bye sesion 2 coming soon.
Friday, 21 August 2020
I have a dream.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Blog commenting
I that you used a blue background and those glasses are so super cute LOL good job I love love love that you did this on canva I use visme a lot have you ever used visme?
did you think about adding a little less pictures and add more writing and make a paragraph good job tho you did really well.
have you ever used visme before?

Friday, 7 August 2020
Horses and there Work
hope you enjoy
do you have a horse?
have you ridden a horse?
and do you recognize any of these breds
bye bloggers.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Hey blogger's it's your fav Ashlee here in the coolest school in the world. Today's blog is all going to be about Resilience I have made DLO about Resilience let's go.
I have been working on resilience and I have been doing well but I still need to work on people making sudden changes. Do you know resilience? bye Blogger's
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Writing a safe quality comment.
Hey blogger's it's me Ashlee from Yaldhurst Model School. This blog is all about cybersmart which means being a smart and safe learner in public and on your device. My best friend Bridget and I have worked on this I hope that you enjoy.
I have learned that it is so easy for people to figure out your personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, passwords and email address. You may think how but they can hack and they do it everyday you don't know but you could be there next victim so don't give out personal info have a look at this and then in the comments tell me which ones are bad and what is good
I learned that there are so many ways that you can get personal info so easily the shortcut key that we used was ctrl alt m and in google docs and it will paste a comment. Here is the comment I thought was the worst
Dear 2KJ
I like your blog. I live in Leopold on Ash Road. My phone number is 52501111
From Billy King.
I think this is bad because it is giving away a lot of information
here is the comment I thought was the best
Dear 2KM,
The Postcard Project sounds great. It is terrific that you are learning about the world. Have you ever sent postcards before? Where in the world would you like to visit?
Best wishes,
I think this is good because there is no bad or personal information given
Monday, 3 August 2020
James Clear
Hey blogger's it's me
Ashlee with another blog for you this is a different topic something I didn't think I would blog about. Today's blog is... about James Clear a inspiring person to live your life to the fullest and work hard.
Here is one of the things that he said, Start incredibly small which means you only need to try a little bit because then you can work up to it a lot easier like homework if you do a little bit each day it will get done faster but if you do it all on the last day you are rushed and don't do so well because there is so much or you get distracted
I thought this was very inspiring go to this link to have a read and then maybe you will be inspired to here click this link I know you want to come on do it do it do it come on what are you waiting for clink the link
Have you read about someone really inspiring?
Have you made a DLO before? Bye.
Friday, 24 July 2020
Cross Country Countdown
Hey bloggers it's me Ashlee from Yaldhurst Model School today's blog is going to be all about, Cross country we did Yesterday yay it was so much fun I ran 3.1 ks which was twice round the field twice round the domain and then the little connections here are some photos that connect.
running cross country taught me that you should just keep on going no matter how hard it got and that if you get past the first stitch then you don't get it again so just keep on going so here are the photos.
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Multiplying Magic
Hi bloggers it's me Ashlee from Yaldhurst Model School today I have been working on multiplying on paper you guys have heard of when you color a in the numbers that is what I am working on but it is a lot harder here is some picture so that you get the idea what do you think don't forget to leave me a comment and remember be nice if you would like me to check out your blog then bye
questions question squestion here we go
Hi bloggers it's me Ashlee totaly fav blogger I'm just kidding but today's blog post is all about matariki again again again so here are the questions I have answers I am not going to write much as all of the facts is in this DLO enjoy bye bloggers.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Stars Start
Friday, 3 July 2020
Hey bloggers it's me Ashlee a student here at Yaldhurst School The best School for models so come and model at Yaldhurst model school. Today I am going to be showing you guys and sharing a little bit about what I learnt from matariki here it is.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
What's Your Spirit Animal?
Today in Rimu we lean't how to make a table on the most popular stuff by using our Signing in Google Doc to decide what we could choose out of I chose to do Spirit Animals what's your one use this link to find out. So what are you? comment in the comment section of this blog post I would love to hear about it.
We used this video to show us how to make a graph about the data. Check it out, here's a link. It is hard to see what the numbers are so I have written them down below
We had 9 Wolfs, 2 Snakes, 2 Turtles, 1 Butterfly, 1 Tiger, 9 Deer, 4 Owls and last but not least 1 Hummingbird.
Here is the link to my sheet - HERE
Here is a Screenshot on what mine looked like as a Finished product what do you think? Do you like it I know you do? Have you ever made a graph?
Have a nice day bye.
Friday, 19 June 2020
Week 10 Reading DLO
For Reading this week I have done a Reading DLO here is a little bit of what I have done I have been working on this for the hole week so I home yo like it Don't forget to leave me Nice Respectful comments bye guys
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
All about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All about me!!!
Hey guys this Blog post is all about me so I have made a Google Drawing of everything about me there are some interesting facts and cool descriptions there are some cool photos I got the photos of the web so don't think they are mine I hope you enjoy this, we had Miss Morgan from Ura Manuka cluster I learnt that there are lots of different websites that you can get photos from Miss Morgan owns Unsplash I got my photos from that website we had to choose photos like.
Bye bloggers do you like this? do you think this is cool?
Friday, 12 June 2020
My Class Room Rules
Thursday, 4 June 2020
DOG ZOMBIES RULE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello bloggers it me Ashlee and today I am going to be explaining why I think that Tom Gates Dog Zombies Rule book is the best book of all time. Well I don't know were to start Dog Zombies Rule book is back.
They do have lots of songs and raps such as oakfield school you can do it one more goal let's go to it blue coat school your team is bad when you lose you'll be sad. And they have raps as well. School in the morening no ones around it's so early ya can't hear a sound sitting on a beanch with nothing to prove, Dog Zombies are here and were not gona move were a band to make you sing we'v done a lot of practising we get together after school becasue we know Dog Zombies Rule for now.
Not only there creative but they make it look sooooo coooooollll and easy. Dog Zombies also has big words to read to make it easyer to let younger kids read and there is a lot of actions aswell. Here is the blurb of the book. Here is my exallant plan to make Dog Zombies the best band of all time how hard can it be (very) right now I'm going to write more songs make a spectacular music video get some more sleep (tricky when you being keeped awake by loud noises mabble and anoy my older sister which easy becasue you see she is allergic to pets and other things too such as fun ahhhhhhhh teeeeewwwwww.
Bye for now but hold up before you go here is a few questions do you have a pet? have you ever broken a bone? and whats the color of the sky I know right please leave me tips and suggestion too on the commets down below here is a photo of the book so you know what you are looking for when you want to buy it bye guys Ashlee here
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Maya and Crazy Lady.
Hi bloggers how are you today? Well I am great I am a student from Yaldhurst Model School. Recently we have been writing narratives I wrote an amazing narrative yesterday I am really proud of it its about a lady who is trying to inject maya with laughing gas to make her never stop laughing. And then crazy lady will poison maya. Here is a DLO of my narrative enjoy
bye bloggers did you like it? what is your favorite color?
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
My thoughts of my first day back at school.
Hello bloggers welcome back to school if you don't know already hi my name is Ashlee. And I am a student here at Yaldhurst model I am year sevan, but enough about me. let's get started on my thoughts and realities of being back in my school chair and back in the classroom for another 4 weeks did you know we are half way
through the year isn't that crazy and super cool anyways back to the blog post here it is I liked going back to school and I hope you do to.

Friday, 15 May 2020
basking sharks.
Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 here at Yaldhurst model school today I am going to tell you about basking sharks let's get started lets get started.
Basking sharks are kind and gentle they have a small brain but are very smart lots of people in the early days would kill them for the oils in there liver these species of sharks are very fast but the like to go stow. They also have big mouths to sweep up all of the plankton and plants however sometimes when they are doing this they get washed up onto the rock and get grated and cut up like a piece of cheese in a greater
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Fun at the farm.
Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee if you didn't already know that anyway I am a student at Yaldhurst Model School and lately when I go to my pony Krissy It is a lot of fun we work on jumping mostly 85cm and then we go for a gallop in the big paddock it is fun than my best friend comes out of the house Her name is Tessa and then...
We get on the quad bike and pick up poop from the paddock we go 15k around the fields and sometimes I drive the quad I really want another horse bye guys.
Friday, 24 April 2020
A little poem.
Hello bloggers how are you sorry I have not posted in a while well today I have a nice poem. It's about boss baby and chicken nuggets I am a student at Yaldhurst Model School. Are you enjoying quarantine or not comment down below, Here it is.
I want some chicken nuggets Yes I doYou may think I don't know what do Oh no that's just you Eww eww ewww You could have a….
Burger but it will just be gluten. Stop snooping you’ll be fine If you were pooping. Whoop whoop whoop you are the poop. But listen here I am the boss
Oh no no no not boss lady I’m boss baby so watch out
what do you guys think bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....................
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
My Run
Hi bloggers are you good? i'm great! Thanks for asking however you maybe thinking Ashlee what have you been doing today well at around lunchtime. With my brother Louis and my sister Olive it was really fun and we got lots of exercise. Which was great I almost bet my brother but for my sister she didn't do as well...
but I gave her a hussle! She completed the race it was super fun you could almost call it superstitions. So yeah that about ras it up what do you think have you fun a face like this before?
bye guys.
Monday, 23 March 2020
All about me blog post
Hello bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 at Yaldhurst Model School how are you today? because I am great. Do you want to know want to know more about me? well I hope you do! here we go do do do do do!
I am a very funny person as you can see

- Eggs or cereal? eggs
- Milk or chocolate milk? chocolate
- Coke or Pepsi? coke
- Juice or water? juice
- White or wholemeal? wholemeal
- Cake or donuts? cake
- Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
- Corn or peas? corn
- Green beans or broccoli? broccoli
- Pancakes or waffles? both
- Action movies or dramas? action movies
- Comedy or scary movies? comedy
- Television or book? book
- Paper book or Ebook? paper
- Cards or board games? board games
- Dressing up or casual clothes? casual clothes
- Sneakers or jandals? jandals
- Cars or trucks? cars
- Soccer or hockey? hockey
- Rugby or Netball? netball
- Hunting or fishing? hunting
- Skiing or surfing? both
- Xbox or PS? zbox
- Multiplayer or single player? multiplayer
- Walking or jogging? jogging
- Spring or Autumn? spring
- Winter or Summer? summer
- Shower or bath? shower
- Dog or cat? dog
- Night owl or early riser? early riser
- Long or short hair? short
- Shy or outgoing? outgoing
- Draw or read? draw
- When hanging toilet paper, over or under? both
- Age you first started at Yaldhurst Model School - 10
- Middle name - marie
- Favourite colour - blue
- Favourite song - say so
- Number of siblings - 2
- Favourite sport - horse riding
- Best birthday party you have had - adrenalin forest
- Best birthday party you have been to - jockey race
- Favourite animal - horse
- Favourite food - pikelets
- Age you first flew in a plane - 0
- Been on a boat? yes
- Been on a train? yes
- Can speak another language? no.
here is my avatar
can you relate to anything in this blog post bloggers?
bye bloggers, have a good day
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
WASH YOUR HANDS WITH A SONG ------------------------------->
Hey you you yeah you over here, Hi my name is Ashlee what's your name? Thats a great, Name I'm from Yaldhurst Model School what school are you from? Well today I am going to be telling you about my tech for my school. tech is where we go to Lincoln Primary School and do lots of workshops it is really fun!
We found this app where you write in your favorite song. And it makes a poster for washing your hands with the lyrics of the song. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the app but if you search for it will tell you. Here is a photo of it and here is a link.
Have you ever had the flu?
Bye Bloggers.
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Live Life Long
Hello bloggers it's the best blogger in town! The one and only from Yaldhurst Model School, Ashlee. Today I will be showing you my first favorite page of" my this is us I am me" writing workbook here we go! do do do do do do do here we go this is alllllllllllllllllll about quotes and not any quotes! they are happy they are fun they are number 1!!!!!!! Live Life Long. here they are
I hope you enjoyed that do you have any other quotes? bye guys.
Friday, 6 March 2020
Anything but typical recap.
Hello novel people my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 student here at Yaldhurst Model School. How are you today? well I am great! today I will be showing you my recent anything but Typical work book. Here we go whoo welcome were ready to go let's get this show on the road shall we? well I think we should here is the workbook of amazement...
What do think of my recent workbook? do you like it? bye fellow bloggers.
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Heartland loyalty

Hi bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 at Yaldhurst Model School. How is your day? Mine is ok, anyway have you heard of the movie on netflix called Heartland? Well I have. It is my favorite show; it is about horses and living in the countryside. Do you like the sound of that? Well, I love it.
I think this is and will be the best book to man because it has a nice book cover it has easy words. To read and they use spectacular descriptive words
Here is one line of what Amy says in the book. "You are so rude why would you say I am not a good rider! you don't have to be first across the finish line to be a great rider great riders come with love for there horses and trust there horses have in them."
This is the Heartland book cover like. Do you like the book cover? Leave me a comment... bye guys.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Ashlee pow on the ground
Hi bloggers how is your day so far mine is not great hi my name is Ashlee from Yaldhurst Model school on the 26th of february I hurt my leg very badly and here is how I did it.
One Day in a school far far away lived a girl and her friends Ashlee, Bridget, Delilah, and Briar these girls were the best of friends but then one day on 25th of february the girls went out to break. The girls loved playing horses so there was no surprise that they were seeing how long they can jump. Bridget went then Delilah and then Briar but then Ashlee's turn did not turn out so great she hit her knee against a pole and then everything turned into screams.
as her knee was numb she tried to stand up but failed. And then out of nowhere linda the nurse and vicky nurse came out and asked her knee bruise like a banana.
did you like my real story of what happend have you ever hurt yourself like me?
This is Ashlee's friend briar by the way it was bad I saw it with my own two eyes
Bye have you ever had a injury like me?
Canterwood crest touch down book cover
Hi bloggers my name is Ashlee and I am a year six at Yaldhurst Model School and this is my home learning blog post here it is but for this blog post I made a new book cover for my favorite book Canterwood Crest what do you think ?
hope you like that bloggers and what is your favorite animal send me a comment bye guys.
Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Yep that is right swimming sports is back 2020! Ready to rumble? but before I tell you the dealio here is my introduction: Hi my name is Ashlee, I am year seven at Yaldhurst Model School you yes you have come to the right place so get your popcorn and soda and read this blog post but before you do that this is NOT a movie I repeat NOT a movie no popcorn no soda just read my blog please.
Swimming sports was amazing and I have come such a long way last year I only enter one class but this year I ented 6 classes wow and came first in all of them wow that is a lot here are some photos of practices for this event
bye guys.
I did get permission to use my friends in these photos.
Monday, 24 February 2020
numbers are cool
Hi bloggers today I am going to tell you that numbers are cool watch this slide and find out why I think numbers are cool here we go to count the windows but litalry we are counting windows for home learning blog posts here we goooooo do do do do do do here we go. I did not do it at home so I did it at school.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Mums Magnificent Message.
Hi how was you holidays ? My name is Ashlee and I am a year 7 student here at Yaldhurst Model School. On valentine's day we made messages I made a message to my mum she loved the message I made for her. And thought it was really nice.